10-Pound Cancerous Tumor Removed from Poker Pro Chad Brown

Poker pro "Downtown" Chad Brown is recovering at home after having a cancerous 10-pound tumor removed from his body!
Brown, 49, who has won more than $3 million in his career playing live tournament poker, is married to fellow poker pro Vanessa Rousso, 28.
Rousso tweeted the news via her Twitter account at www.twitter.com/vanessarousso.
Her first tweets on the matter announced: "I hate to break this news, but my husband Chad was recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. A large tumor was removed yesterday. Trying to remain upbeat and positive as we wait for final pathological report, due next week. We are currently focused on recovery from his major surgery. The cancer looks like sarcoma. Ten-pound tumor was removed from the retroperitoneal area in his abdomen. Nothing sure til we get pathology report. "
Later she tweeted: "Good news, Downtown Chad is recovering very well from his surgery and is feeling well enough to play Los Angeles Bounty Shoot out a Bike next week! Radiation will begin in about two weeks for Chad, so until then he will play some events on Poker Stars and the BSO at the Bike."
After that she tweeted: "Unfortunately I'll have to miss the Go Daddy Heads-Up party this evening. Chad has been admitted to the hospital due to complications."
Then later: "Chad gets to come home today. Yay! Go Daddy has been tremendously supportive tome during this time. Chad's doing well."
According to official tournament records, Brown has earned $3,666,169 in his career playing live tournament poker, including 30 cashes at the World Series of Poker.
His biggest payday came at the 2007 WSOP, when he finished second in a no-limit 2-7 lowball tournament and earned $324,777.
According to official tournament records, Rousso has earned $2,898,325 in her career playing live tournament poker.
By Tom Somach
Gambling911.com Staff Writer
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