Poker’s Readers Choice Sexiest of 2010 Tatjana Pasalic Interview With Woo

I’m so excited to bring all of you guys my follow up interview with beautiful poker babe and my number two pick for the Top 10 Sexiest Poker Players of 2010, Tatjana Pasalic. Read on to see what she has planned for 2011 and what new ventures she’ll be partaking in. Keep checking to see more follow-ups with blasts from the past.
JENNY: First off, what have you been up to since we last spoke?
TATJANA: I was everywhere! WSOP, Unibet Open, Party Poker World Open, WPT, EPT, Face The Pro...I lost track. The last two weeks I have spent with my family after not seeing them for over 6 months. It has been a wild ride and it is still going on. I am spending more time in front of the camera and I love it!
JENNY: You had mentioned last time that you were working with your mentor Kara Scott when it came to poker. Are you playing more these days? And are you still working on perfecting your game?
TATJANA: Like I said before, I covered almost every event under the sun since June and I couldn’t play at all. I have spoken to Felipe Ramos to join his coaching program too. He’s a big deal in Latin America.
I am working on my game every day, play online as much as I can and hope this will be the year of me as a player too.
JENNY: How were your holidays? How did you bring in the New Year?
TATJANA: A little bit of family and a lot of kittens! My parent’s cat had babies so I spent my holidays wrapped in a blanket with 4 kittens. I needed to recharge my batteries. I was exhausted after months of work and I also picked up a really bad flue in Barcelona in November. I didn’t take enough time to be sick so I dragged it for a month. I started the gym again, dieting and all that girly shebang and am ready for new challenges.
New Year I was in Sarajevo, Bosnia. It’s an amazing city and amazing people.
JENNY: Reading your Twitter page it seems you are embarking on some top adventures. What are your plans going into 2011?
TATJANA: I got some exciting news but I cant share, so please read my Twitter carefully over the next few weeks! As far as the stuff I can say goes, I am packing for Oz, leaving next week, then WPT - Venice, Paris, Unibet Malta, Barca, Riga...and the WSOP is just around the corner. I cannot wait.
JENNY: Tell us about this FHM shoot coming up in the next two weeks. I am so excited for you!
TATJANA: It is for FHM France with Party Poker. I am so excited about it and I took it very seriously. I was pigging out during Christmas so now I’m suffering with water and salad.
JENNY: Do you have any future plans on coming to the U.S.?
TATJANA: Shhh, I am playing the WTP LA celeb invitational!
JENNY: You’ve been added once again in the Top 10 Sexiest Poker Players in the world for 2010 placing 2nd and have been chosen as Reader’s Choice on How does it feel to be so popular amongst our readers?
TATJANA: Aww, that is really cool. I am happy about that. It means that I am keeping myself interesting and fun and that is what it’s all about. If the Readers say thumbs up, that’s the best award one can get.
JENNY: I’m a huge animal lover and have to say that the pictures of your cat are adorable. I take it you are a big time animal lover as well?
TATJANA: Yes, I am a huge cat girl and I am also working on animal charity and preparing a big charity project in Kenya the second I catch a bit of time. I cannot live without It is by far my favorite site.
JENNY: Lastly, what do you think were the biggest news stories in the poker world in 2010?
TATJANA: Of course - the worst kept secret in the industry - Viktor Blom.
JENNY: Thanks Tatjana!