Barney Frank: “F*** You Hank (Paulson)!”

Written by:
Jagajeet Chiba
Published on:
Barney Frank

Online gambling crusader and the House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D - Mass.) Barney Frank, reportedly told Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen to essentially "F*** Off!" but was a bit more animated in his approach.

A leaked excerpt from the Jonathan Alter upcoming tell-all book about US President Barack Obama's first year in office, The Promise, makes the claim about Frank:

Barney Frank muscled his way past Harry Reid and started yelling. "F- you, Hank! F- you! Blow up this deal? We didn't blow up this deal! Your guys blew up the deal! You better tell [GOP Rep. Spencer] Bacchus and the rest of them to get their s- together!"

Bacchus incidentally is one of online gambling's biggest foes. 

The Promise comes out today May 18 and also makes the claim that White House adviser Rahm Emanuel once threatened to kill Obama's dog, Bo, and told a male staffer to "Take your f***ing tampon out and tell me what you have to say."

Jagajeet Chiba, 

Politics News
