Sarah Palin’s Own State of Alaska Votes Her a “Pathological Liar”
To be sure, most of the US does not believe that Republican Presidential running mate Sarah Palin is a "pathological liar", but oddly it is her own home state of Alaska that is one of the exceptions.
The survey was conducted by The AOL Political Machine
Only Vermont and Washington, DC had more votes for Palin being a pathological liar.
One reader commented in regard to the poll: "No, she's not a pathological liar. I think the question would be more to the point if it were "are the liberal media pathological liars"? In particular, this jackass who came up with this moronic question, Andrew "the dork" Sullivan. If you were to ask that question, you would get a lot higher percentage of YES votes."
But the idea that Alaska voted overwhelmingly against Palin as a truth teller is ...well....somewhat telling.
Over 33,000 votes were collected throughout the country.
One reason for the poor showing in her own state: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's status as the Republican U.S. vice presidential nominee is straining her ability to govern, according to observers.
Local residents say they resent the way the campaign of her running mate, GOP presidential nominee John McCain, a U.S. senator from Arizona, has allegedly co-opted the apparatus of the Alaska statehouse, screening calls from constituents and reporters and advising how to deal with the so-called "Troopergate" investigation, The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.
"This Palin VP thing has Alaskans all stirred up. Much like Palin divided the Republican Party, she has managed to divide the state over her national candidacy," conservative talk-show host Dan Fagan said in a commentary last week.