200 Banned Sites Dropped From Sex and Drugs Blacklist

200 banned websites were dropped from the Federal Government's internet "sex and drugs" blacklist in the last three months - but we're still not allowed to know what they were.
Around 1100 websites rated MA15+ and up remain in censorship limbo while the Government conducts trials of the ISP-level filter.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority told Senate Estimates hearings that the majority of the undisclosed banned websites depict sex, drug addiction, crime, cruelty or violence and therefore offend the standards of morality.
"Others are X18+, which is about depictions of actual consensual sexual activity between adults, which we also add to our blacklist when we find those types of materials online. The other matters are very small in number in terms of R18+ and MA15+," ACMA representative Nerida O'Loughlin said.
ACMA received 1122 complaints in the 2007-2008 financial year, but only 452 of those complaints led to prohibited material rated M15+ or higher.
No date has been set for the mandatory filter to be implemented.
Source: http://www.starobserver.com.au