UK Court Rules Craig Wright is Not Satoshi Nakamoto

Written by:
Aaron Goldstein
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The much touted COPA v Wright trial has concluded with a bit of a bang.

The judge overseeing the trial offered his long-awaited conclusion.  Dr. Craig Wright is not Satoshi.

“Having considered the evidence and the submissions, I have reached the conclusion that the evidence is overwhelming. Therefore, for the reasons that will be explained in writing in due course, I will make certain declarations that I am satisfied are necessary to do justice.”

“Dr. Craig Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper, Dr. Craig Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Dr. Craig Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin system, and Dr. Craig Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin software.”

Writing for our colleagues at CoinGeek, Jordan Atkins doubts there will be an appeal.

"Absent detailed reasons from Justice Mellor, it is impossible to gauge how likely this is or on what grounds Dr. Wright would appeal."

Calvin Ayre, a long time supporter of Dr. Wright and lead investor in the BSV Blockchain, tweeted immediately following the ruling.

"Cool.  Now Craig is not Satoshi in law.  He is still the worlds formost expert in Enterprise Blockchain.

"I know more about Enterprise blockchain than all crypto wankers combined and I learnt it all from Craig. They can steal his legacy, but they can not steal his presence."

Justice Mellor’s full written judgment should be coming soon.

- Aaron Goldstein,

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