Poker Podcaster Joe Ingram’s Claims of Sexual Harassment and Sales Scams Questioned
"The WSOP Phone Charger Sales People MUST BE STOPPED! INVESTIGATION!". This was the title of poker podcaster Joe Ingram's YouTube video released earlier in the week.
"I think we have all had enough of the over-aggressive harassment going on at the World Series of Poker by the phone charger/headphone salespeople in the hallway. I talked with a number of different people since the start of WSOP 2018 and witnessed many moments of verbal harassment as well sexual harassment. Women I spoke with told me about the types of comments these people were making to them as they walked by in the hallway. I also took a look at what exactly this company is, where they get their products from, the bad reviews of the products being sold and more."
Mark Agarunov, owner of iGadget Plant which has been providing the stalls for several years lashed out at Ingram’s claims, stating of the sexual harassment claims:
“It’s lies, 100 percent. If one of my employees did something wrong, then I will be happy to place a report with the police about it.”
There was this from
Ingram also claims that players are being charged way over the odds for the products, as much as 2000% markup in some cases, and that the companies involved in the selling use fake websites to support their pricing, an allegation denied by Agarunov.
“Most people are happy with the products,” Agarunov said, explaining that Ingram used 2010 products in his video to highlight problems when in fact his own company’s products are up-to-date – iGadget Planet only selling at the WSOP in the Rio for the past four years.
Ingram’s Twitter post received a lot of attention, many supporting his approach to outing the vendors…
- Nagesh Rath,