Are You the PPH Kind of Person?

Written by:
C Costigan
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Not everyone is built to be a pay per head (PPH) bookie.

In this guide, we’re going to explain the most common things you’ll be doing as a PPH bookie. This will help you decide if you are the kind of person built for being a bookmaker.

Things You’ll Be Doing as a Bookie

Here’s a list of the common things you’re going to be doing as a pay per head bookie.

1. Dealing with People: As a PPH bookie, you’re going to be dealing with clients. Some clients will be easy to deal with, while some might end up being difficult to deal with.

Sports bettors can be a tough group to deal with, especially when they’re losing. There are going to be times when clients pester you looking for free bets or increased credit/betting limits.

If you don’t like dealing with people then being a PPH bookie might not be the best idea.

The great thing about owning your own business, though, is that you can simply kick a player off of your betting sheet if they prove to be more of a hassle than they’re worth.

2. Marketing: Initially, you might operate locally and gain referrals through word-of-mouth advertising, but eventually you’re going to want to start marketing online.

The benefit of marketing online is that your player pool becomes massive. You can find players from around the world ready to bet. If you’re an experienced online marketer this is a great business.

There are lots of free ways to market your sportsbook with the best method being social media.

3. Accounting: Pay per head sites have advanced reporting features to make account simple, but you’re still going to need to deal with some accounting and the money.

PPH bookies handle all of the money. Whether you’re working on credit or post up with your clients, it’s your responsibility to handle the money. You’ll need to set-up a collection day for local players.

When dealing with local clients, we recommend using cash only. If you have online clients that post up with you then you need to make sure you can handle paying them out quickly.

We recommend using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to quickly move money as a bookie.

These are the three main things you’ll be working on as a bookie.

Do You Love Sports?

You should ideally have a passion for sports if you’re planning on opening a bookie. 

It’s a good idea to have some knowledge of betting as well, but you can always learn as you go. The great thing about using a PPH is that they handle the majority of the daily tasks.

They maintain your website and the bookie software, keep the betting lines updated for hundreds of daily markets and provide 24/7 support to you and your clients.

Being a bookie is lots of fun as well and can be exciting. You’re always going to be cheering on the outcomes that make you the most money and you have the edge compared to when you’re betting. 

Gambling News

Is Boss Action a Good Pay Per Head Service?

Boss Action is a Pay Per Head platform appearing all over Google. is your go to site for all things PPH as we've been covering the sports betting and gambling sector since 1999.
