Finding Pay Per Head Service Providers

Written by:
C Costigan
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Finding a top notch pay per head service provider is the most important step you can make as a bookie. There are hundreds of them out there in cyberland and the choices can be a bit overwhelming if not intimidating. There are a few basic laws of the land that you need to know before choosing a pay per head to manage your business. We don’t want to tell you who to choose, rather what you should look for before you make the choice.

· First: Do they offer a 24/7 toll-free number that’s accessible from the United States, and do the agents have a gaming-friendly reputation? In other words – do they know what they are talking about? Most importantly, do they speak great English, and can they converse with you like professionals? If NO, move on. If you can not call your Pay per head on the phone and have them pick up the cost, move on. They are not worth your time.

· What about a free website, does your potential PPH offer a custom-built website that comes complete with a state-of-the-art sportsbook, a Las Vegas-style casino, and a world-class racebook featuring more than 75-tracks from across North America and around the world? If they do not offer a free website that comes complete with an exclusive .com address, ditch them! You do not need the hassles of building your website or paying for it. This is the reason you are looking to use a PPH, to begin with.

· Do they set your sportsbooks daily events, the side bets, the hundreds of props, the wagering options, do they set all of this on a clean and crisp page that’s easy to read, and easy to navigate with a fantastic user interface? What about lines and odds, do they set them for you and in a timely manner before the gaming day starts?

· Do they grade all bet slips, do they adjust all accounts after a player wins or loses? What about wagering, do they accept all wagers either on the website or over the phone? 

  · Accounting: Where do you stand? Are you an impeccable bookkeeper that knows where and when every dollar came in and when every dollar walked out the door? You must manage your money well and along with money management, comes player management. The two go hand in hand and you must know your players. 

  · What about player reports? Do they offer 24/7, on-demand, player reports that show all movement, who’s “up on the house” and who’s “down”? This is another important aspect of successfully operating a money-making bookmaking website. You must know where every player stands. If someone is beating you all of the time, then you must stop the bleeding. You can’t let someone beat you up forever. 

  · Will they help you with deposit options for your players? If they don’t want to help you, run from them. They must be accountable to you. You are the owner of this operation and what you say goes. This issue is not up for argument. 

  · The PPH has come along at the right place in time. You need them, they need you, and everyone is gambling. Gamblers want in, and they will gamble on what you are offering. You must be offering something. No matter what it might be, politics, Korean baseball, lotto, and more, offer them a reason to play, and they will play. 

  · Stop thinking that gamblers have stopped gambling. They are indeed gambling and they want to be loyal to you, however, they can’t be… Again, you are not offering what they want daily. 

Find a Price per head that’s willing to give you a free trial and one that charges a median price. The rock bottom offers are too good to be true.  Do not follow your heart or your gut, follow the evidence. You can start earning money on your new website, within a day or two after signing up. 

You need an accountant; you need a sports-knowledgeable agent at your beck and call. Now you can have this for free. The pay per head is the bookie and all you have to do is follow along while the software does your job.  

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