Business & Financial
DraftKings Teams Up With Bad Boy Dan Bilzerian: Let Them Eat Unicorn Cake
One of the behemoths in Daily Fantasy Sports,, has decided to team up with one of poker’s most colorful characters, Dan Bilzerian.
Types of Bets Offered at a Pay Per Head:
Many bookies in search of a good Pay Per Head will want to know the types of betting offered.
While one can expect to provide wagering on the NFL, College Football and Basketball, NBA, Baseball and Hockey, the best Pay Per Head shops offer a much more extensive list.
Offshore Bookmaking Customized Websites for Cheap, as the leader in covering the world of Pay Per Head businesses, takes a look at offshore bookmaking customized websites that can be maintained at a very low cost.
Macau Gambling Stocks Plunge 40 Percent First Half of Year: Dow Drop 530 Points
The Macau gambling sector has taken a major hit over the past six months with shares plunging by as much as 40% across the board.
5 Reasons why Premier Per Head is Worth It
Not all Pay Per Head services are created equal and if you are looking to grow and prosper as an independent sports bookmaking agent it is well worth the time to find out what Premier Per Head can do for you.
GVC Holdings Once Again Increases Offer for Talks ‘Very Positive’
(Reuters) - British online gambling company GVC Holdings Plc may increase its offer for rival Digital Entertainment Plc for a third time, a source close to GVC said on Thursday.
The source said GVC and Bwin had been in talks over the past week and that Bwin's response had been "very positive".
The talks centred around synergies between the two companies, according to the source, who declined to be identified because the matter is confidential.
Pay Per Head Mobile Online Casino offers its Pay Per Head customers not just any online casino but a mobile online casino that can be played right on your smartphone.
Types of Bets a Pay Per Head Offers: Exotics, Parlays, Teasers, If-Bets, More
Most sports bettors like to place more than just straight wagers. Pay Per Head businesses can offer all types of bets that a typical bookie may not be able to on his or her own.
How Not to Get Screwed by Your Pay Per Head Service
For those bookies and agents looking to avoid being screwed by their Pay Per Head service, there are a number of steps that should be followed prior to the selection process.
Real Time Fantasy Sports Imminent Claims ESPN this week reveals that real time fantasy sports isn’t just a fantasy, it’s imminent.
They should know. The sports media group last month entered into a multi-million dollar partnership deal with one of the largest Daily Fantasy Sports sites
Price Per Head Providers More Cut Throat Than Ever
Price Per Head providers are engaged in some of the most brutal cut throat tactics the offshore betting industry has ever seen with no sign of letting up any time soon.
“Everyone in the industry wants that all-important edge,” notes Senior Editor Payton O’Brien. “It is getting ugly but these companies understand the competitive nature.”
Last Day! 13 Weeks Free Pay Per Head Promo!
(Press Release) - Over the last few weeks - hundreds of bookies have taken their business online and have signed up at, one of the most trusted and upfront Pay Per Head services available, through their $3 per head or 2 months free promos.
New Video Set to Expose Sheldon Adelson, US Presidential Hopeful Lindsey Graham
A new video is set to premier on The Tim James Show which looks to expose the hypocrisy of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his push to prohibit online gambling.
Adelson is the brainchild behind legislation introduced by South Carolina Republican Senator and U.S. Presidential hopeful Lindsey Graham as well as Utah Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz.
Fast and Sharp Betting Lines at Premier Per Head
Most independent sports bookmakers would admit that they are only as good as the Pay Per Head service they employ to handle the bulk of the administrative tasks that go into the day-to-day operation of this type of business.
Làm nhà cái với nguồn lực bên ngoài với giá $10 hoặc Theo Đầu Người đang cung cấp dịch vụ Trả Theo Đầu Người phổ biến của mình bắt đầu từ giá thấp đến $10 mỗi đầu người (*giá thay đổi tùy theo các dịch vụ tùy chọn). Người chơi Việt Nam được chào đón với nhân viên người Việt. Số điện thoại 1.888.378.0888
Forbes: How Wall Street Money Transformed Online Gambling
On Monday, put out a report describing how activist Wall Street investor Jason Ader has transformed the face of online gambling in recent years.
DraftKings Obtains UK Gaming License: Appoints Former Bwin.Party Exec as CIO
In a press release issued Monday morning, one of the world’s leading Daily Fantasy Sports sites, DraftKings, announced it had obtained a gaming license in the United Kingdom and plans to go live by the 4th quarter of this year.
Pay Per Head Player Monitoring
One of the most important aspects of any bookmaking business is the ability to monitor players. offers some of the best Pay Per Head player monitoring services available.
Sharp players do cause damage to the bottom line.
Memphis Bookies, Pay Per Head Services
Memphis, Tennessee has plenty going for it. The city boasts of being the birthplace of a king, Elvis Presley. It is also crime-ridden and bookies who choose to conduct their business here are at great risk.
Price Per Head In-Game Wagering for Baseball offers live in-game wagering for the remainder of this Baseball season.
RealBookies Presents Innovative Digital Wager Recording has introduced something that bookies and agents will absolutely love. Digital Wager Recording allows the Pay Per Head to digitally record every incoming and outgoing call.
Corner Bookie Could Become Extinct Like the Dodo Bird Thanks to Augur
The local corner bookie may soon be gone thanks to the fall introduction of Augur. And it’s not just the local bookmaker who needs to worry. Vegas and the online operators have something to fear as well.
What’s Augur?
Phil Mickelson, Billy Walters ‘Insider Trading’ Probe Continues
An FBI and SEC investigation is ongoing as to whether golfer Phil Mickelson received insider trading tips from Nevada-based professional sports bettor Billy Walters.
Full Tilt Poker Changes Rewards Structure
Leading online poker site Full Tilt Poker announced changes in its rewards structure on the same day its parent company Amaya Gaming revealed it would be diving head first into the Daily Fantasy Sports space with the acquisition of existing brand
PokerStars Parent Company Amaya Acquires Daily Fantasy Sports Site Victiv
Amaya Gaming announced Friday morning it has acquired Austin, Texas-based Daily Fantasy Sports site, a company that itself was founded by former poker players.
世界最大規模的比特幣交易所BTCChina的首席執行官 Bobby Lee說:“這都是關於貿易,關於波動性,關於盈利 - - 低價買入,高價賣出。”
上週CNN採訪了Lee並報道了比特幣使用現象。PayPerHeadAgent.com的代表Federico Gomez則表示,現在是時候推廣比特幣服務在博彩業的廣泛使用。
如果您是居住在馬薩諸塞州的波士頓或鄰近地區,當地有許多代理以及玩家都喜歡使用PayPerHeadAgents.com服務。 中文代理服務熱線(國/粤语: 1.888.238.8198).
帳戶租借服務不單只提供賽事盤口, 同時亦提供了滾球盤口和網上賭場有助於提高利潤率。
- Bojing Chow, 赌博911
Bitcoin Hot With Chinese Gamblers, Bookies, Pay Per Heads
Ever since adding the anonymous digital currency Bitcoin, Pay Per Head service says its business has increased. Nowhere is this more obvious than with the Chinese gambler.
It's all "about trading, about volatility, about making a profit -- buy low, sell high," said Bobby Lee, CEO of BTCChina, the world's largest Bitcoin exchange.
Pay Per Head is All About Lines
There are many moving parts in a successful pay per head business such as software, hardware, infrastructure, backup systems, wagering clerks, payment options… but the MVP at the end of the day is lines.
Corredores de Apuestas en el Sur de Florida: Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Más
No hay escasez de corredores de apuestas en la zona sur de la Florida ya sea en Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach los Cayos, Nápoles o cualquiera de los municipios de los alrededores. Del mismo modo que no hay escasez de jugadores de habla española en todo el sur de la Florida.