
Scandalous stories brought to you by

Pregame Cries Foul Ahead of March Madness Over Sports Capper Exclusivity Demands

Two of the most powerful and respected sports handicapping websites are embarking on a bitter feud, has learned exclusively. has reportedly ordered its sports handicappers to sign exclusivity deals preventing them from working at rival

Submitted by C Costigan on, Mar/10/2012

888 Poker Cam Ad Banned for Displaying Bikini Clad Female

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in Great Britain is at it again, this time condemning 888 Poker Cam for featuring an ad with a bikini-clad woman.


The ASA calls the ad “suggestive” with the implied message being “gambling linked to seduction results in sexual success in bed”.

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, Mar/02/2012

Phil Ivey Returns to US Play With LA Poker Classic: Finishes Day Strong

With the prize pool set at the 2012 LA Poker Classic, Phil Ivey made his debut after more than a year’s absence playing in US tournaments.  Ivey has suffered through a tumultuous divorce both from his wife and former employer, the now defunct Full Tilt Poker.


Submitted by Ace King on, Feb/25/2012

Radio Host Sid Rosenberg Allegedly Owes Over $44k to Online Sportsbook

A representative of a small Costa Rican-based online sportsbook,, is contending that WQAM-560 AM afternoon host Sid Rosenberg owes the shop $44,500 in gambling debts

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, Feb/14/2012

Online Gambling Foe Spencer Bachus Subject of Insider-Trading Probe

One of the online gambling industry’s most outspoken opponents, Republican Spencer Bachus of Alabama, is being investigated as part of an insider-trading probe. 

From Market Watch

Submitted by Guest on, Feb/10/2012

Wikileaks Exposes Sheldon Adelson: Cable Discusses ‘Missteps’ in China

Casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands Corp. is under federal investigation into whether it has complied with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and a recently uncovered Wikileaks cable suggests Adelson may be in some hot water in China as well.

Adelson is alleged to have “bribed” foreign officials in exchange for lucrative business deals.  His casino empire enjoys a massive presence in the Asian gambling Mecca of Macua. 


Submitted by Aaron Goldstein on, Feb/03/2012

ESPN World Series of Poker Reporter Gets Reprimanded by Judge for Tweeting During Trial

Long time ESPN reporter and sports personality, Norman Chad, was reprimanded by a judge on Wednesday for tweeting during a burglary trial.  


Submitted by Ace King on, Feb/02/2012

Atlantic City’s Newest Casino Revel to Impose Term Limits on Employees

If you are thinking about getting a job at the all new Revel Casino in Atlantic City, you might want to think twice. 

Newly hired employees of the Revel Casino will be subject to term limits of four to six years, just like some politicians.  At the end of said term, employees will have to re-apply. 

The policy will "attract the most highly professional people who are inspired by a highly competitive work environment," Revel wrote in a statement.

Submitted by Aaron Goldstein on, Jan/31/2012

Magic KingDOME: Wife of Purple Lounge Casino Director Must Stand Trial After Disney 'Toilet" Incident

The wife of Media Corp PLC Non-Executive Director Chris Gorman will be forced to stand trial after an alleged sexual encounter and assault in an Orlando, Florida nightclub bathroom this past August.

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, Jan/31/2012

Full Tilt Poker’s Chris Ferguson Allegedly Funneled $45 Million

US Feds allege Full Tilt Poker stakeholder and professional poker player Chris “Jesus” Ferguson was embroiled in an elaborate ponzi scheme.  Now it is being reported he funneled $45 million of his $60 million in Full Tilt distribution payments into bank accounts held for him in the name of Pocket Kings Ltd.

Submitted by Ace King on, Jan/26/2012

No Misconduct in Washington D.C. Online Poker Vote

The D.C. inspector general has determined that there is insufficient evidence” of any D.C. Council members “acted improperly or violated standards of conduct” as part of their vote to legalize online poker in the district.  The Washington Post revealed these findings

Submitted by C Costigan on, Jan/23/2012

Newt Gingrich Ex ‘Open Marriage’ Claims, Rick Perry Out and the Latest South Carolina Primary Odds

Appearing on ABC’s ‘Nightline’, GOP US Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich’s ex wife claimed the candidate desired an “open marriage”.  The network released excerpts from the previously recorded show scheduled for airing Thursday night at 11:30 pm EST. 

Marianne Gingrich said her ex conducted his affair with current wife Callista "in my bedroom in our apartment in Washington."

"He always called me at night and always ended with `I love you,' " she said. "Well, she was listening."

Submitted by Gilbert Horowitz on, Jan/19/2012

PokerStars Assembles Panel to Meet With Disgruntled Players: CEO Exit Still a Mystery

You can’ fault PokerStars, the world’s largest real money poker room, for at least trying.  It was for Stars probably the worst two weeks they’ve had from a public relations standpoint since the company’s founder was indicted for money laundering and bank fraud back in April of last year. 

News broke earlier in the month that players were organizing a mass protest of the website after Stars changed its rake structure (switched to a weighted-contributed method) and rewards program.  PokerStars responded by banning the protesters from playing. 

Submitted by Ace King on, Jan/17/2012

Joe Hachem, Shane Warne Among the Finalists at their Own Charity Poker Events

Here is something sort of ironic as it relates to the 2012 Aussie Millions event.  Joe Hachem nearly won his own charity event, finishing third. 

Not everyone is thrilled about that.  From Poker Jolt:

And to really rub salt in the wounds of the hundreds of assembled players and celebrities - each of whom paid a AUD 1,000 to enter the tournament - Warne ALSO picked up a belting prize.

Submitted by Ace King on, Jan/17/2012

Phil Ivey Ex Not Happy With Divorce Settlement

Despite receiving millions of dollars and a $1.2 million purse collection, Phil Ivey’s ex-wife Luciaetta Ivey does not believe the couple’s divorce settlement to be fair. 

A court document filed Tuesday with the Nevada Supreme Court, Luciaetta Ivey "has attempted only to secure information to confirm that she received a fair settlement."

"That Phil has refused to voluntarily provide the information that Luciaetta seeks only supports her belief that the settlement was not fair," her attorney, Bruce Shapiro, wrote.

Submitted by Ace King on, Dec/31/2011

Fellow Mormon Jon Huntsman Mocks Mitt Romney $10K Bet in Latest Campaign Ad (Video)

GOP candidate for US President and former Utah Governor, Jon Huntsman, was quick to release an ad mocking Mitt Romney’s $10K bet offer to Texas Governor Rick Perry. 

Like Romney, Huntsman is a Mormon.  And like Romney, Huntsman is not supposed to gamble based on Mormon doctrine. 

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, Dec/12/2011

French Gambler Sues Government Over Poker Sites: Defendant in MGM Suit Uses Condom Defense

A French gambler has sued the Government claiming it failed to prevent him from accessing online poker sites in that country. 

The 37-year-old from the city of Reims registered with the interior ministry last year to be voluntarily banned from casinos and online gambling sites, but was still able to access them, lawyer Emmanuel Ludot told AFP on Monday.

Submitted by Aaron Goldstein on, Dec/12/2011

Romney Flip Flops on 10K Bet

US Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stirred up controversy Saturday evening during a nationally televised GOP debate by offering to bet fellow candidate Rick Perry $10,000 over his assertion that the former Massachusetts Governor had broadly supported requiring individuals to have health insurance.

“I’ll bet you 10,000 bucks,” Romney said, denying Perry’s claims.

Perry replied, “I’m not in the betting business.”

By late Sunday, Romney tried to laugh off the bet.

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, Dec/11/2011

PokerStars Cracks Down on Tournament Leaderboard Competition Abuse

The world’s largest online poker room, PokerStars, announced this week it will begin cracking down on Tournament Leaderboard Competition abuse.  So what exactly is going on?


Submitted by Ace King on, Dec/09/2011

Only Two Customers Follow Through With Account Closures at Bodog Following Controversy

A public outcry from the online poker community regarding Bodog Poker’s implementation of “anonymous software” has resulted in all but two customers actually closing their accounts, according to the website.  Ayre is the founder of Bodog Poker.

From CA:

Submitted by C Costigan on, Dec/08/2011 Anonymous Poker is No Longer Online Poker

The popular website offered up its opinion on the controversy surrounding Bodog Poker’s apparently “not-so-anonymous” tables.  It’s no longer poker.

Submitted by Ace King on, Dec/07/2011

CNN Puts More Pressure on Bachus, Pelosi Regarding Insider Trading and Congress

Following a “60 Minutes” report, CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Thursday night made insider trading and Congress his top story of the evening.  The “violators” were none other than former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, current House Speaker John Boehner and Alabama Republican Congressman Spencer Bachus.  Mr. Bachus has been one of the biggest advocates for online gambling prohibition and he is also allegedly one of the biggest of the “violators”.

What they did was not illegal but…

From Wikipedia…

Submitted by Aaron Goldstein on, Dec/01/2011

Albert Pujols’s Superagent Called “King of Sleaze Mountain” (Latest Odds)

Albert Pujols prop betting odds were being offered up at following reports of alleged misconduct by his superagent Dan Lozano.  (Where will Albert Pujols go odds here)

Submitted by Dan Shapiro on, Nov/25/2011

The Phil Ivey Porn: Not Quite But Close (Video)

A member of the popular posting forum recently stumbled upon a Phil Ivey look-a-like….in none other than a porn.

Yes, it’s Phil Ivey in a wig.  Not quite, but it’s a dead ringer. 

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, Nov/21/2011

World Wide Wagering Does Not Suspend Use of Alleged Rigged Online Casino Software (Correction)

A Pittsburgh Tribune-Review report last week claimed BLR Technologies offered rigged online casino software to its operators.

Tests studied as part of the article demonstrated that the BLR online casino software could be rigged.

According to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review piece, “the software by BLR Technologies, based in Costa Rica, detects a player's bet and increases the chances of a losing roll”.

Submitted by C Costigan on, Nov/20/2011

Senate Reacts Following Spencer Bachus Insider Trading Allegations

Following a segment that aired on “60 Minutes” claiming Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.) engaged in insider trading during the height of the financial crisis, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and panel ranking member Susan Collins (R-Maine) announced Wednesday they will hold a hearing on the issue, which has been stuck in Congress for more than five years.


Submitted by Gilbert Horowitz on, Nov/18/2011

Barney Frank Urges Spencer Bachus: Take Up Bill On Insider Trading (Video)

Massachusetts Democrat Congressman Barney Frank on Thursday sent a letter to Alabama Republican Congressman Spencer Bacchus urging him to take up a bill that would prohibit members of Congress and federal workers from trading on non-public information that they’ve obtained through their jobs.

A “60 Minutes” report suggested that Bachus engaged in “insider trading” during the height of the financial crisis.

Submitted by C Costigan on, Nov/17/2011

Spencer Bachus: 60 Minutes Segment a Hit Job

Alabama Republican Congressman and strong advocate for online gambling prohibition, Spencer Bachus, denied he engaged in any form of “insider trading”.  He called a “60 Minutes” segment that suggested otherwise “a hit job”.

The segment aired on Sunday.  The reporting was based on a book by conservative author Peter Schweizer called “Throw Them All Out.” Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL), the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, was alleged to have traded stocks after he was told by Treasury officials in September of 2008 of the impending financial meltdown.

Submitted by Aaron Goldstein on, Nov/16/2011

Bachus Back Against The Wall: "I'm not Going to Let People Distort What I Do.”

While much of the attention on an “insider trading” scandal in the Congress has focused on Alabama Republican Spencer Bachus (perhaps rightfully so), this ardent supporter of online gambling prohibition wasn’t exactly alone in his craftiness.

Both Speaker John Boehner and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi also have egg on their respective faces right now following the airing of a “60 Minutes” piece this past Sunday.

From Investment U:  

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, Nov/16/2011

Matusow Brothers Family Feud Tame Compared to These Rivalries (Video)

This week, the colorful poker playing Matusow brothers, Scott and Mike, went at it in a public forum.  Scott accused his brother Mike of being a drug and gambling addict

Scott had this to offer on his blog: 

Submitted by Ace King on, Nov/16/2011

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