PPH That Will Take Bets on US Presidential Race

Many of the PPH businesses managing local bookmakers will be taking bets on the US Presidential race. Premier Per Head is one such book.
“You will need to take bets on these elections in 2016,” Gilbert Horowitz of Gambling911.com says. “The gamblers will demand as such.”
The US Presidential race is the most wagered on non-sporting event in the world (emphasis on the world). Go to any European bookmaker website and you will find an entire odds menu devoted to the US Presidential race.
Who will be nominated in the GOP party? Who will be nominated in the Democratic party? Who will ultimately become the next US President?
Some books have even taken things a step forward by offering odds on each state caucus or primary. Few of the Pay Per Head operations offer this option however.
Premier Per Head is a heavily marketed PPH company featured on the Gambling911.com website starting at a low per head rate and featuring mobile compatibility, live in-play wagering and top-of-the-line management solutions.
- Aaron Goldstein, Gambling911.com