Online Gambling Bill Hits Senate and House

From The Quincy Cove
You know the gamers in the crowd are getting hyped up when they hear titles like, "online gambling bill hits house and senate". In recent Quincy Cove poll, respondents said that bingo is not just for retirement homes anymore. The industry has made enough waves that now it's up for decision with the big guys.
Donny Chia covered the event in detail, "Hey guys what do you expect when you are in some kind of revolution phase? I mean before a revolution, there is some kind of unrest and lots of urging among masses from all quarters across a vast area.
Something similar like that is happening in most parts of the US in regards to gambling games! Although few states have nodded a green signal to some kinds of popular gambling games, a few debates and discussions are still going on. Alabama is one state where there has been lots of uproar regarding the electronic bingo games.
Tuesday was the day of hearing in the Alabama Statehouse regarding electronic bingo. Actually it started with a state representative playing a video sometime during end of January this year and there was an attempted raid on Country Crossing with 130 Alabama State Troopers. This lead to a date set for a hearing on the debate of legalizing online bingo in the state.
During the hearing there was a parade of fiery words and arguments for and against the bill that would actually highlight the issues of taxation and also regulation of electronic bingo at several sites all through Alabama to a statewide vote. There was a heated discussion on the bill and passionate hearing on the issues argued by both the motions.
Those who spoke against the electronic bingo bill cited Biblical arguments and narrated how gambling is prohibited in the religion and is a sing. They also argued that electronic Bingo would not relief the state or solve its economic woes, instead of bringing economic prosperity it would add on additional economic burden on the state. That is because permitting online bingo will only increase poverty and crime in the state. Good justification, what say friends?
But the arguments of those who were in favor of the motion were more sounding and realistic than those against the motion. Perhaps this moved the committee to give green signal for the bill to pass to the State Senate for argument and passing it a law. The party who spoke in favor of the bill said voter in Alabama should a have right to choose and that one or few person's moral decisions should not be allowed to control the right or moral decision of the rest of the state.
They also argued how online bingo or electronic bingo when allowed in various parts of the state will lead to economic development and also create initiatives for jobs and increase revenue of the state from tourism too. These funds can be utilized in welfare of the state.
After almost three long hours of debate and discussion on electronic Bingo, the Senate Tourism and Travel Committee gave a favorable report to the bill, and this indicated that it could now move to Senate and House floors for debate early this week or so.
Houston County Commission Chairman Mark Culver was in favor of the bill and said that this would help the state end ‘ridiculous embarrassment' that has been there in the form of attempted raids on Country Crossing and VictoryLand near Montgomery. He said, "Now, there are hundreds of people out of work in our community even though no ruling has ever been made to say what is going on in our community is illegal."