Rand Paul Wins Kentucky Primary
The son of online gambling supporter and former US Presidential candidate Ron Paul, Rand Paul, has decisively won the Kentucky Republican Primary and is widely being hailed as the first big winner representing the Tea Party movement. Paul is believed to share many of the views of his father, a staunch Constitutionalist.
Rand Paul wins in a state that has become a battle ground for the online gambling sector following Governor Steve Beshear's Communist China-like antics to seize some 141 industry-related domain names. He beat out establishment-supported candidate Trey Grayson.
Though the younger Paul hasn't exactly come out endorsing Internet gambling, his father co-sponsored a bill that would fully legalize the activity. Current laws make it illegal for bets to be taken in the United States. As such, the i-Gaming community is finding itself lumped in among the Rand Paul supporters.
From Resistnet.com:
"The same league of 9/11 Truthers, anti-war radicals and online gambling companies is busy astroturfing for Rand Paul, and filling up his war chest."
We here at Gambling911.com should note that while Ron Paul was running for President, he was among the most trafficked term ever seen on the G911 website (see current trending here).
Paul is a 47-year-old Bowling Green eye surgeon who had never before run for office and turned to the Internet fundraising model used by his father to pay for his campaign.
Christopher Costigan, Gambling911.com Publisher