63: The Number of Co-Sponsors for Barney Frank Poker Bill
Rep. Anthony D. Weiner, who represents New York's 9th District, has became the sixty-third co-sponsor of the Frank Bill which seeks to legalize online poker.
Legislation aimed at reversing a three-year-old ban on Americans placing online bets was introduced last May by U.S. House Financial Services Committee Chairman Frank.
Frank said the bill would give the U.S. Treasury Department the authority to establish regulations and license Internet gambling operators.
Banks are required to stop known online gambling transactions beginning December 1 as part of new regulations.
In the past, Weiner has sponsored bills to move foreign fashion models into a less-competitive visa category and he is a big advocate of a National Healthcare system. Weiner was a one-time roommate of the Daily Show's Jon Stewart.
Jagajeet Chiba, Gambling911.com