Barack Obama, John McCain a Smash at Miami Bash

When Senators Barack Obama and John McCain walked in together at a spectacular event held this week in Miami, the standing room only crowd swooped over and began taking photographs. One of these two men will become President of the United States next Tuesday.
While Obama seemed to be getting slightly more of the attention - especially from the girls, McCain received his fair share of groping as well.
"I love you Senator McCain, you will get my vote!" said one cheery blonde flanked with little more than a leaf covering her private parts. "Oh my God, you are so sexy in person."
The two men posed for a few hundred photos with scantily clad females, many of whom were dressed as pirates, fairies and....even McCain running mate, Sarah Palin. There were probably about 6 of those running around.
The event: The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens Annual Halloween Sundowner.
And while it may be true that the real John McCain and Barack Obama were not actually present, their lookalikes were generating more buzz than anyone else at the party outside of maybe a giant Frankenstein monster. Even the few Sarah Palin's present could not muster the attention these two were getting.
Amazingly, there was only one other Obama - a drab sort of lookalike who failed to come even close to's very own Tyrone Black's "big teeth" version, who incidentally managed to scare off Little Red Riding Hood.
We won't say who played the role of John McCain.
And here's a fast fact: There were more Joe Biden's than any other of the four US Presidential campaigners. Go figure!
In 1957, a group of generous Miamians organized themselves as Th eVizcayans. Their goal was to assist the Museum and Miami-Dade County in addressing the complex and clostly needs of Vizcaya. Through donations and advocacy, The Vizcayans plays an important role in preserving Vizcaya and making the Museum accesible to all.
The Halloween event, attended by a few thousand, certainly helped raise significant cash for this fine establishment. Visit the website here
And check out our pictures below.