Inauguration Betting Mostly Offered to Non US Citizens

If you were looking to place those all important Inauguration bets, move to Europe! That's because few if any of the online gambling websites catering to US citizens are actually offering Barack Obama Inauguration betting opportunities. was offering these odds, but the selection seems to be gone (at least difficult to fine). was unable to find Inauguration betting odds under the Political Betting section or their Entertainment Odds section, this after a much ballyhooed report appearing on CBS last week.
Irish bookmaker, Paddy Power, appears to be the beneficiary of the big Obama Inauguration betting slate. The problem is that U.S. citizens are forbidden from betting with Paddy Power.
Their betting menu ranges from what color tie Obama will wear at the Inauguration to what his first phrase will be ("Change has come" is listed with 8/1 odds).
Paddy Power is even offering betting odds on the first celebrity in the crowd the cameras swoop in on. Oprah is our pick and she's listed as the favorite with 7/4 odds. Paris Hilton was the long shot at 33/1 odds.
The Obama betting won't end with the Inauguration. One of the more popular Obama offerings has been the name of the first puppy with George being the 8-1 favorite. Lincoln came in with 20/1 odds.
Payton O'Brien, Senior Editor