Paris Hilton’s Mom Blasts Senator John McCain

Forget about those sex tapes (were there more than one?), wild partying, bad driving and - oh yeah - that jail sentence. What enrages Mother Hilton this most is none of the above it appears, but rather an ad that aired last week from Senator John McCain's camp comparing Senator Barack Obama to Paris Hilton.
But Kathy Hilton has reason to be angry, other than the concept that her daughter may have been offended (if that is possible). It turns out she is a McCain donor. Yikes!
"It is a complete waste of the country's time and attention at the very moment when millions of people are losing their homes and their jobs," the uber wealthy Kathy Hilton said in a short article posted on the liberal Huffington Post Web site. "And it is a completely frivolous way to choose the next president of the United States."
Let's not fault Mrs. Hilton for making sense here....she does.
The ad suggests that Obama is nothing more than a celebrity, the likes of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, both of which have not been shown in a good light over the past year when it comes to both the tabloid press and even mainstream media outlets.
McCain on Friday denied that his campaign had taken a negative turn, saying, "We think it's got a lot of humor in it, we're having fun and enjoying it."
Kathy Hilton, however, was unpersuaded, calling the ad "a complete waste of the money John McCain's contributors have donated to his campaign."
The Democratic party - led of course by Senator Obama - still is the nearly 1/3 favorite to take the White House this upcoming November according to the odds makers at
Quick! Someone post odds on whether Anderson Cooper will say Paris Hilton's name on CNN Monday night! This was the top news story Sunday.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher
Originally published August 3, 2008 7:38 pm EST