Political Odds for Romney's Running Mate by Sportsbook.com

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Political Odds for Romney's Running Mate by Sportsbook.com


Tim Pawlenty is now the 7/5 favorite to win the GOP VP Nomination.
We have 2 customers who bet $500 on Pawlenty at his opening number of 7/1.
Candidate odds:
Bob McDonnell
Bobby Jindal
Chris Christie
Condoleeza Rice
Herman Cain
Jeb Bush
John Thune
Kelly Ayotte
Marco Rubio
Michele Bachmann
Mike Huckabee
Mitch Daniels
Newt Gingrich
Nikki Haley
Paul Ryan
Rand Paul
Rick Santorum
Rob Portman
Sarah Palin
Susana Martinez
Tim Pawlenty


To see more updated Political Odds, visit Sportsbook.com 

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