Ron Paul to Appear on CNN D.L. Hughley Breaks The News

Everybody's favorite 2008 Republican Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, will be appearing this Saturday night on CNN's D.L. Hughley Breaks The News. Congressman Paul, who is also a surgeon, has delivered more than 4000 babies in his East Texas district.
Paul has also been a strong friend to the online gambling community, calling for prohibition on the activity to be lifted.
Regarding the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act (UIGEA), prohibition passed in October 2006, Dr. Paul told's Jenny Woo, he is not a gambler himself.
"Mine is a philosophic position but I think it's a sound position," he told Ms. Woo. "I think it's something that you can defend as being a strict constitutionalist and I just don't see government being the moralist deciding how we spend our time whether is good or bad. I have a strong belief that the individual gets to make that choice so the fact that I don't gamble doesn't really influence me in my positions on this issue."
Congressman Paul, who himself is an economist, has gained the attention of many media outlets for his outspoken opinions against government stimulus packages and bank bailouts.
Ron Paul had this to say:
"The net effect of all this new funding has been to pump hundreds of billions of dollars into the financial system and bail out banks whose poor decision making should have caused them to go out of business. Instead of being forced to learn their lesson, these poor-performing banks are being rewarded for their financial mismanagement, and the ultimate cost of this bailout will fall on the American taxpayers. Already this new money flowing into the system is spurring talk of the next speculative bubble, possibly this time in commodities.
"Worst of all, the Treasury Department has recently proposed that the Federal Reserve, which was responsible for the housing bubble and subprime crisis in the first place, be rewarded for all its intervention by being turned into a super-regulator. The Treasury foresees the Fed as the guarantor of market stability, with oversight over any financial institution that could pose a threat to the financial system. Rewarding poor-performing financial institutions is bad enough, but rewarding the institution that enabled the current economic crisis is unconscionable."
Hughley's show will run through the rest of March, then he will act as a Los Angeles-based correspondent for CNN.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher