Sarah Palin 17 Year Old Daughter Bristol Palin is Pregnant!
Following rumors that would-be Republican Vice President Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter may have actually given birth to Sarah’s recent baby, there has been confirmation that Bristol Palin is indeed pregnant now.
Fox News broke the story early Monday afternoon (on Labor Day no less) right smack in the middle of Hurricane Gustov making landfall near New Orleans. But another storm was likely brewing in the Republican party.
It was unclear how this story would impact odds on both Presidential candidates.
At noon, had Senator Barack Obama a -205 favorite and Senator John McCain (who selected Palin) with +165 odds.
Bristol Palin, one of Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.
Bristol Palin made the decision on her own to keep the baby, McCain aides said.
"We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us," the Palins' statement said.
"Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support," the Palins said.