Sarah Palin vs. Hillary Clinton: Woo on Politics

On August 29th 2008, Senator John McCain made an announcement that seemed to have shocked everyone. "My friends and fellow Americans, I am very pleased and very privileged to introduce to you the next vice president of the United States, Governor Sarah Palin of the great state of Alaska." After that announcement was made it seemed there was a feeding frenzy of media wanting to know everything about this unknown woman who is Alaska's Governor. How quickly we forgot who Britney Spears was!
So Yours Truly, Jenny Woo, started thinking, "I wonder if Hilary Clinton would have gotten the same attention if she were announced as Barack Obama's right hand woman." That's what led me to do a comparison of these two powerful women.
First I wanted to start off with the younger of the two, Sarah Palin. What do we know about this former Miss Alaska contestant? "She has become an overnight sensation and an instant celebrity," explained Katie Couric of CBS Evening News. However, Couric also says, "She's not always responsive when she's asked questions."
Like when Katie asked her what magazines or publications she has read to prepare her for the Vice Presidential position. It's hard for the hardliners in Palin's corner to call that a "trick question". Couldn't she have at least said "Field and Stream"? Her response "All of them" made me cringe to be perfectly honest. Palin, after all, was a journalism major in college. You know the Republicans were just grateful Palin didn't say "The New York Times" or, worse, "The Huffington Post".
So what do we know about the woman with the "naughty librarian vibe" who probably should have been asked by Couric what publications she demanded by burned from the Wasila, Alaska library where she served as Mayor.
Palin claims her foreign affairs experience is superior because she sees Russia from her back yard up there in Alaska. As someone who grew up in the Ivory Coast of Africa and later, Pensacola, Florida, I've probably had more foreign affairs experience than Sarah Palin. Hell, I've probably had more foreign affairs! Oh, and did I mention I now live in Miami? Yes, I can confirm I have plenty more foreign affairs experience than Palin bar none. But I'm not the one running for President.
Sarah Louise Heath Palin was born in Sandpoint, Idaho on February 11th 1964. In 1984 she won Miss Wasilla and later went on to compete in the Miss Alaska contest where she placed first runner up. She may have won over the judges by playing the flute and was awarded for Miss Congeniality. Governor Palin later explained that she entered the Miss Alaska Pageant to earn money for college. In 1987, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho. She also minored in
political science.
Sarah Palin later went on to be mayor in 1996 through 2002 of the town that had crowed her Miss Wasilla. In November of 2006 she became Governor of Alaska. Now she is looking at the possibility of being Vice President of the United States, and is one heart beat away from becoming the next President of the United States if that should happen.
Palin would be President while raising 5 children. I can barely raise a dog, let alone even fathom the idea of running a country and play Mom to 5 kids.
Now to the fun part, some things many of you might not know about this 44-year-old beauty. This chocolate lover is thrifty as she loves shopping the sales racks. She's stubborn, was raised in a church where they speak in tongues and keep the kids sheltered on Halloween, and she'd rather text vs. talking on her Blackberry. When it comes to getting rid of unwanted hair, her girls have to use the old razor and shaving cream instead of taking the easy road of waxing. However, Palin has moved up in the world by switching to Mac make up and has left Mary Kay behind.
This young Governor loves Rock n Roll as her favorite band is Van Halen, and - I might be mistaken - but didn't Sarah Palin star in their "Hot For Teacher" video. You know the one! Probably was too young at the time, but that's the first thing that popped into my head when Palin took to the stage after McCain first announced her as his VP. She even named her new born son Trig Paxton Van Palin. Huh?
And speaking of Palin's odd assortment of names for her kids, there is actually a Sarah Palin Name Generator. Yours Truly, Jenny Woo, would be named Chin Trout Palin if I were born to this beauty. If you'd like to see what your name would be if born to Governor Palin, check out
Palin believes that men and women have walked the planet with dinosaurs, which is partially true. Can you say "John McCain"?
I wish that I could say that Hilary Clinton was just as interesting, fun and pretty as Sarah Palin...but she's not...even though I do find Hillary attractive to some extent. However, she does have an impressive resume and let's not forget about a couple of the scandals she had been involved in over the years that make Sarah Palin‘s "Trooper Scandal" look like child‘s play.
Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, IL on October 26th 1947. No, there were no exciting pageants for this girl; it seems as though it had been all academics. She attended Wellesley College - a prestigious university I would probably be banned from even going near - and continued on to Yale Law School where she graduated in 1973. The next year she moved to Arkansas and married to the man that we know as the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. At first glance, this appeared to be a real gamble: From Wellesley College to Yale to Arkansas where she settled down and married a man by the name of Bill???
In 1979, Mrs. Clinton became one of her many FIRST's as she was named the first female partner of Rose Law Firm and was twice listed as one of the one hundred most influential lawyers in the U.S. She also became the First Lady of Arkansas that year when her husband Bill became Governor until 1981 and again in 1983 thru 1992. The big turning point came in 1993 when Bill Clinton served two terms as the President of the United States and Hillary became the First Lady of the United States. I've been a lot of FIRST's in my relatively short lifetime as well...but we won't go there.
It was during this time in the White House that Hilary Clinton became part of two very publicized scandals. One of them involved a 22year old White House intern by the name of Monica Lewinsky in which President Bill Clinton had "sexual relations" (umm...b*** j**s) with the intern. Another of her first's came when she was the only First Lady to be subpoenaed involving the Whitewater controversy but she was never charged with any wrongdoing.
Even with the scandals, Clinton did a lot of good by bringing awareness to programs like the "State Children's Health Insurance Program", the "Adoption and Safe Families Act", and the "Foster Care Independence Act". In 2000, she moved to New York and became the first female senator to represent that state. To top all that off, during this election year she had announced her Democratic candidacy for President in which made it the first time an American First Lady has run for that public office.
I'm curious if Obama ever sat down and considered if maybe he should have elected Senator Clinton for the V.P. spot after all. And if McCain thought "Hmm..what the hell have I gotten myself into?" But what I really want to know is if Bill Clinton bought himself one of those Sarah Palin school girl action figures. I guess these are questions that may or may not ever be answered.
Jenny Woo, Senior Correspondent