US Ambassador to Australia Not Happy With Conroy

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The US ambassador to Australia Jeff Bleich has criticised the Rudd government's plan to filter the internet, saying the same goals can be achieved without censorship.

The federal government's $128.8 million Cyber Safety policy includes forcing ISPs to block access to certain websites and blacklist offensive material. Legislation to enable the scheme is set to be introduced this year.

On ABC's Q&A program last night, Mr Bleich said the "internet has to be free" and that there were other means of combating nasty content such as child pornography.

"We have been able to accomplish the goals that Australia has described, which is to capture and prosecute child pornographers ... without having to use internet filters," he said.

"We have other means and we are willing to share our efforts with them ... it's an ongoing conversation."

The US State Department has previously said it has raised concerns regarding the filtering policy with the Australian government.

The comments came just as Communications Minister Stephen Conroy finished defending the filters in a speech to The Sydney Institute last night. Senator Conroy described the policy as amodest regulatory measure that will combat illegal activity.

"For all its technical brilliance, the internet is a distribution and communications platform. Having no regulation to combat illegal activity actually weakens all that is good about the internet," he said.

"This is a modest measure, which reflects long-held community standards about the type of content that is unacceptable in a civilised society."

Senator Conroy's comments were similar to those he made in an interview with this website this month. However, web experts have recoiled at the minister's suggestions that the internet is "not special" and should be regulated like other mediums.

Simon Sheikh, chief executive of the online activist group GetUp, quickly seized on Mr Bleich's comments as further evidence that Senator Conroy's comments lacked support in the community. He called on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to "step in and end this farce".

"The US ambassador is the latest to join the swelling ranks opposing the scheme, which now include Google, Yahoo, Save The Children, Reporters Without Borders, The Greens, Senator Nick Xenophon, and shadow treasurer Joe Hockey," he said.

"Over 120,000 Australians have joined GetUp's campaign against the internet filter, and polls show 86 per cent of Australians are concerned about the government's internet filter plans."

- with AAP


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