Wayne Root: I Got Death Threats After Appearing on Bill Maher’s Show

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LAS VEGAS--It's been a tough couple of weeks for sports handicapper/political commentator Wayne Root.

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On May 27, Root was a guest on the HBO talk show "Real Time with Bill Maher."

Numerous times on the show, Root, a conservative, and host Maher, a liberal, verbally clashed, but it wasn't like a typical right vs. left program--Maher was especially hostile, vicious and condescending in his takedowns of Root.

At one point on the show, during a discussion about economics, Root said: "There’s a libertarian study in Spain. For every one job created in the new energy economy, three jobs are destroyed in the energy business. And that’s why there are no jobs."

Maher responded tartly: "I haven’t read that study. It sounds like bullshit."

Later, when the discussion turned to politics, Root compared the personal indiscretions of Bill Clinton to those of Bill Cosby.

The studio audience lustily booed Root, before Maher chastized him for having "no fucking facts."

At other points in the show, Maher reacted to other Root comments by saying "that's fucking wrong" and that's a "talking point from the '90s."

Mahre wasn't the only one taking shots at Root on the show--the other guests on the panel also fired their share of broadside volleys at the former Libertarian Party vice-presidential candidate.

The full transcipt of the show can be seen at http://www.hbo.com/real-time-with-bill-maher/episodes/14/389-episode/article/ep-389-transcript.html

A few days later, on June 2, President Barack Obama took a shot at Root while delivering the commencement address at the graduation ceremonies at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Though not referring to Root directly by name, Obama during his address mocked a comment Root made in "The Power of Relentless," Root's latest book.

“Remove Obama or millions of Americans die,” Obama told the graduates, with a hearty laugh, quoting directly from Root's tome.

Then, that night, on "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC, host Rachel Maddow, who is normally not too nasty, spent the entire first segment of the show trashing Root, not just for his comments that Obama had mocked but also for his unrelenting support of Donald Trump for President (Root introduced Trump at a campaign rally in Las Vegas in February).

Among other things, Maddow called Root "the ultimate conspiracy theorist" and mocked him as "relentless guy."

Gambling 911 wanted to know how Root, who has contributed to this website for close to ten years now, was holding up during this especially unrelenting negative onslaught against him, so earlier this week we sat down with him at his Las Vegas mansion for a tough, no-holds-barred interview about being a conservative and a Trump flack.

Gambling 911: You've just had a rough couple of weeks. Do you think people are out to get you?

Wayne Root: Every time Maher attacks me, every time Rachel Maddow attacks me, and when the President of the United States quotes me, can you even imagine how I've gotten under the skin of liberals? I'm honored and proud. This SOB, son of a butcher, is making a difference in this country. I'm having a major effect on politics and public policy. God bless America.

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G9: Bill Maher gave you a rough time on his show, rougher than he usually is on guests. Do you think he has it in for you for some reason and if so, what? Would you do his show again? What do you think of his politics?

WR: But he didn't give me a hard time. He was fine. He is a liberal and we disagree on issues and who is best for America. I gave as good as I got from him. Debate is healthy. I had a great time on Bill's show. I hope to do it again, early and often. Bill is a hilarious comedian. I'm a big fan. I watch his show every week just to see his New Rules. But based on the response I got from his liberal views and my conservative capitalist fans, I was a huge hit. Conservatives thought I did fantastic. Liberals hated me and made death threats. That means I was perfect.

G9: Why do you think all of a sudden Rachel Maddow is on your case? Do you have any history with her? What do you think of her politics and would you do her show?

WR: I think it's clear I'm the number one most effective defender and cheerleader in the media for Donald Trump, not just in America, but worldwide. I've been Donald's champion on Israeli TV, Canadian TV, U.K. TV and Japanese TV, as well as BBC World. All my predictions from day one were on the money. I'm the only national political commentator who got him and understood from the start how Trump resonated with middle- and working-class Americans. I backed Donald from day one, when no one else was there, as Rachel Maddow pointed out. I think liberals are scared to death of how effective I am as a Trump supporter and of my communication skills. I'm an SOB--son of a butcher--who understands what few in politics or the media do, how liberal policies are wiping out middle America and killing the American dream. My stories and opinions and detailed policy recommendations resonate with average American voters. Liberals know I'm hurting them badly. So people like Rachel Maddow are trying to hurt me.

G9: You were the Libertarian Party vice-presidential candidate a few years ago and you supported Trump in the GOP primaries this year. In November will you vote for the GOP candidate or the Libertarian candidate? And what do you think of the Gary Johnson/Bill Weld Libertarian ticket this time around?

WR: Trump is the answer. Period. We don't need two more experienced politicians. We need a businessman who understands jobs, money, trade and the economy. Simple. We must elect someone to save capitalism and turn around this Obama Great Depression we're in. I predicted the damage Obama would do to the economy. He has wrecked it. It's dysfunctional. We are in a disaster. Gross domestic product is near zero and as of last Friday's job report, job creation is near zero. Small businesses are closing faster each day than opening. The middle class is dying. Trump is the answer, not another politician. Third parties don't work in the U.S. political system. The choice is Trump or Clinton, assuming she isn't recommended for indictment by FBI by mid-summer, which I think is a very real possibility.

G9: You agree with Trump that Mexicans are pouring over the border, but half of the illegal immigrants from Mexico come here by plane and then overstay their visas. How would you stop this problem?

WR: We need to build a wall first. Sometimes the answer to problems is simple. Start with something. The wall is the place to start. Then end all sanctuary cities. Cut off all their federal funding until they obey the law. And deport all illegal alien felons in our prisons. And cut off welfare for illegals. Institute e-verify so they can't be hired. You'll see the illegal problem quickly go away. Then deal with visas. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Let's go one step at a time. But, do something.

G9: Finally, if Trump asks you to be his vice president, would you do it? How would this square with you being the Libertarian v.p. candidate just eight years ago?

WR: I don't worry about anyone asking me to be anything. I'll help Donald in any way I can, both now and after his election. I think he has a short list for vice president and it has only elected politicians who understand D.C. That will give Trump some understanding of how to get his agenda quickly passed when he walks into the White House. He doesn't want two anti-politicians. I'm a mirror image of Donald. So I don't think I'm a v.p. But I'm certainly interested in serving in his administration. I think I'd make the perfect guy to help save small business in America. I'm a lifelong small businessman. I've dedicated my life to saving small business, the economic engine and only job creator of America. I hope he turns me loose to do that.

By Tom Somach

Gambling 911 Staff Writer


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