Wayne Root to Interview Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano
Wayne Allyn Root, the 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee and a regular guest personality on FOX News and FOX Business networks, is declaring "W.A.R." on big government beginning June 6, 2009 when "W.A.R.: The Wayne Allyn Root Show" debuts in Los Angeles and New York (with Chicago joining the lineup in 2 weeks). Root's guests on his first show will be 2008 Republican Presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano of FOX News Channel.
The weekly, one-hour syndicated talk show will be broadcast on conservative political talk format radio stations on Saturdays in the 3 biggest markets in the country, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The program will be aired at noon on AM 970 The Apple WNYM in New Jersey/New York; 8 a.m. on Talk Radio 790 KABC in Los Angeles; and 9 a.m. on AM 560 WIND in Chicago (starting on June 20th). Additional markets are expected to be added in the coming weeks.
Root joins a star-studded lineup on these stations with the biggest names in conservative talk radio: Sean Hannity (KABC), Mark Levin (KABC), Michael Savage (WIND), Bill Bennett (WNYM), Dennis Prager (WNYM), Michael Medved (WIND), Mike Gallagher (WNYM) and Joe Scarborough (KABC).
"The show will focus on politics, business and personal finance issues with a Libertarian point of view," said Root who advocates a free market economy, dramatically smaller government, lower spending, lower taxes, reduced government regulation, and more freedom and individual rights.
Root described his unique persona: "I'm 'the ANTI-Obama.' I'm an S.O.B. - son of a butcher - small businessman, home-school father and citizen politician. My life experiences have made me a passionate, committed Libertarian and Capitalist Evangelist. I am proud to be adding my Libertarian flair to conservative talk radio. My hero was Barry Goldwater. I'd describe him as a Libertarian conservative. I look forward to returning conservative talk radio to its Goldwater roots."
Root is regular guest on three of the biggest talk shows in America: "Savage Nation" hosted by Michael Savage, "The Jerry Doyle Show" and "The Mancow Show" with host Mancow Muller. He's appeared many times on FOX News Channel with hosts Neil Cavuto, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Greta Van Susteren and Judge Andrew Napolitano as well as appearances on CNBC. A tireless freedom crusader, he conducted hundreds of radio, TV and print interviews around the country during his campaign for Vice President. Now he's turning the tables and will be interviewing nationally-known personalities and pundits weekly on his new show.
Root is the author of seven books. His latest is The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns Gambling & Tax Cuts!, to be published on July 20 by John Wiley & Sons and available at www.Amazon.com.
A former television news anchor for CNBC (then known as Financial News Network), Root created, executive produced and hosted several national television programs including "King of Vegas" on Spike TV and "Wayne Allyn Root's WinningEDGE" broadcast on Fox Sports, Discovery, Spike and Superstation WGN. He is also a producer of the hit show, "Extreme Ghost Adventures," currently airing on the Travel Channel.
The major sponsors of Root's new radio show are Rare Coin Wholesalers (www.RCW1.com) of Dana Point, California, one of the country's most prominent rare coin and gold bullion companies, and Wealth Masters International (www.WMItoday.com), a financial education and services company based in Houston, Texas. Root serves as national spokesman for both and also is the Senior Economic and Political Advisor for WMI.
For additional information about Root, visit www.RootForAmerica.com