2006 WSOP Champ Jamie Gold to Hunt Ghosts on TV

Poker players have been known to get spooked by a bad beat, but this is ridiculous!

2006 World Series of Poker Main Event winner Jamie Gold is to star in an episode of the reality TV show "Ghost Adventures," it was revealed.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Apr/19/2012

Baseball Picks Go 8-2 as Gambling911 Handicapper Fred Wallin is Off to Hot Start

Fred Wallin is hotter than a firecracker with his baseball picks!

Gambling911.com's new sports handicapper is off to a blazing start this baseball season, opening the year with an 8-2 record in his first 10 Major League Baseball selections!

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Apr/11/2012

Dusty Schmidt Apologizes for Comparing ‘Black Friday’ to 9/11

Poker pro Dusty "Leatherass" Schmidt has apologized for a thoughtless blog post he made last week comparing Black Friday, the U.S. crackdown last year on online poker, to the murder of 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Apr/11/2012

World Exclusive: Shulman Blasts Schmidt Over 9/11 Remark

Card Player boss Barry Shulman has blasted one of his bloggers who compared Black Friday to 9/11, Gambling911.com can reveal in a world exclusive report!

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Apr/08/2012

‘Leatherass’ or ‘Dumbass’? Dusty Schmidt Compares Black Friday to 9/11

Poker pro Dusty "Leatherass" Schmidt, who has said some pretty dumb things in the past, has just topped them all.


Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Apr/06/2012

Casino Hires Robert De Niro as Celebrity Flack

You talkin' to me?

A casino in South Korea hopes you'll be listening!

The Paradise Walker-Hill Casino in Seoul, South Korea, has announced that it has hired actor Robert De Niro to serve as a paid celebrity spokesman for the casino.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Mar/28/2012

Fred Wallin Becomes Sports Handicapper for Gambling911.com

Thomas Somach announces Gambling911.com’s new sports handicapping platform and the introduction of picks expert and sports commentator Fred Wallin to our team. 

You asked for it, and now you've got it!

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Mar/22/2012

Maine Gets Casinos

Remember the Maine!

Or at least its casinos.

Maine has officially become the latest U.S. state to open a full-scale casino with table games.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Mar/20/2012

Card Player Magazine Head Barry Shulman Visits Bangkok: Sees Live Sex Show

Professional poker player and Card Player magazine publisher Barry Shulman, in the midst of a three-month, half-million-dollar, Asian-Pacific cruise, is apparently having a good time--he recently visited the world's most infamous red light district and blogged about the live sex shows where women do vulgar tricks with ping pong balls!

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Mar/16/2012

Documentary Chronicles Rise of Poker

A documentary about poker that was made three years ago will finally see the theatrical light of day later this month.

The film, titled "All In: The Poker Movie," chronicles the rise of poker's popularity and includes interviews not only with professional poker players but also with political and social commentators who weigh in on the larger meaning of poker.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Mar/08/2012

Double-Murderer Poker Pro was Devout Mormon Opposed to Gambling

What's up with the Mormon Church and gambling?

Mormons are supposed to be against all vice, including premarital sex, smoking, drinking, drugs and even cursing.

And, of course, gambling is on that list.

But, in recent weeks, some of the most famous Mormons in the U.S. have expressed their love and affinity for gambling.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Mar/05/2012

Memo to Calvin Ayre: Head for Hong Kong…or Zimbabwe!

They say Laos is lovely this time of year.

So are Qatar, Angola and Nepal.

Vietnam gets a little hot, however, as does Cambodia and Indonesia.

And of course Libya, Tunisia and Syria are hot spots right now too, but in a different way.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Mar/02/2012

Who’s Number One Among Poker Pros On Twitter? It’s Not Who You Think

Professional poker players have embraced Twitter as much as anyone else--hundreds of poker pros Tweet daily about the highs and lows of their professional and personal lives.

Many love to boast about the big hands they've won at the poker table, while other lament their bad beats.

Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson likes to Tweet jokes, such as ones about Joan Rivers' face.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Feb/23/2012

Daniel Negreanu Claims $61k Rip-Off: Says PokerStars Account Hacked

Poker pro Daniel "Kid Poker" Negreanu claims in his latest blog post that his Poker Stars online betting account was hacked and he was robbed of $61,000!

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Feb/17/2012

Poker Pro Jason Somerville: ‘I’m Gay!’

Jason Somerville has become the first high-profile professional male poker player to admit he is gay.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Feb/17/2012

‘Lay The Favorite’ Stars Bruce Willis in New Sports Betting Film

Coming soon to a movie theater near you: "Lay the Favorite."

No, it's not a porn film, it's the latest movie about the world of gambling.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Feb/12/2012

Fox News’ Bob Beckel Admits Big Super Bowl Win

Unlucky in politics, lucky in gambling?

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Feb/07/2012

Seven of Last Eleven Super Bowls Featured a Brady or Manning at Quarterback

One of the most amazing statistics in sports is that during the decade of the 1980s, every NBA Finals that was played featured either the Los Angeles Lakers or the Boston Celtics.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Jan/31/2012

Lem Banker Banking on Patriots to Win 2012 Super Bowl

Once a generation, people gather outside the Vatican in Rome, looking up at the Vatican chimney to see whether the smoke coming out in billows is white or black, signifying yes or no that a new pope has been selected.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Jan/26/2012

Poker Pro Miikka Anttonen: Many Top Pros are ‘Stoners’

When playing poker, is smoking dope the way to make your opponents look like dopes?

At least one top poker pro thinks so!

And he's not afraid to say so publicly!

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Jan/23/2012