Craig Wright Media Darling as Some Ponder BSV Hitting $10K

Dr. Wehrmann points to real use cases for Bitcoin SV as the catalyst for huge growth potential. These include Money Button, a user friendly Bitcoin SV service provider, right now already has 150 active businesses using it. Also EHR Data Inc's plan for 5,000 to 6,000 transactions per second.
Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright 100% Satoshi Nakamoto Says Miami Jury: Responds to Verdict (LIVE STREAM)

It's official! Dr. Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, founder of Bitcoin!!!
A Miami jury arrived at that decision late Monday morning after mulling over extensive documentation presented during the so-called "Trial of the Century".
Bitmart Suspends Withdrawals Following Apparent $200K Hack

Customers of the cryptocurrency exchange Bitmart fear the worst after it confirmed a $150K hack Saturday night. Blockchain security and data analytics firm Peckshield estimates that the loss is closer to $200 million however.
BitMart Exchange Hacked, Reportedly Loses $196 Million

One of the most devastating digital currency exchange hacks on record occurred late Saturday night as Bitmart reportedly lost some $196 million in various cryptos.
Jurors in Kleiman-Wright Case Worried Over Job Terminations

"Can we please get letters for our employers to let them know this is going to keep going"...
Ayre Predicts Mistrial in Kleiman-Wright Case

"Plaintiff could not meet the burdon of proving their case because only Craig is Satoshi and this is what came out in court," Ayre notes.
Could We Have a Verdict in Trial of the Century? Jury Asking for Short Day Friday

The jury has been deadlocked in the infamous Ira Kleiman vs. Dr. Craig Wright trial.
Your Own Brand - A Pay Per Head Let’s It Happen

You are a local bookie, there is no casino, and there is no online presence of any sort. Your clients are your friends from work, the local pub, the block you live on, etc... What you must do is give them an online presence. If you give them this door to open, they will be grateful for it and they will use it. The pay per head gives you an immediate online presence. We say immediate, seriously – within one day or so of making the phone call and signing up with a fantastic PPH, you can be online, have your clients integrated, and be earning money.
Plaintiff in Kleiman-Wright Case Apparently Have No Money to Pay Expert Witness

O’Hagan is a popular and award-winning Scottish author known for his non-fiction novels. In June 2016, he published “The Satoshi Affair'', which chronicled first-hand interviews and situations he had with Wright.
Jury Fails to Come to Decision in Kleiman Wright Trial of the Century

Jurors told the judge in the case of Ira Kleiman vs. Craig Wright that they were unable to come up with a decision. The judge issued an Allen charge, which requires them to now deliberate until they have a decision.
Kleiman vs. Wright Jury Notes But No Verdict Yet

Questions included How much of the intellectual property does W&K currently have under the estate?
El Salvador's Bitcoin City Lacks Sewage Treatment Plan

It's already been determined there will be no tax on income, capital gains, payroll or property. What could possibly go wrong?
First "Bitcoin City" is Coming to El Salvador

El Salvador would initially issue a $1 billion bond backed by bitcoin to begin raising funds for the planned city.
Bitcoin Bloodbath as the Big Reveal is Almost Here

Bitcoin has crashed to $56,770 as of Thursday evening, representing a greater than 12% loss on the week, down from just over $66,000. Meanwhile a Miami jury is set to decide once and for all the true identity of Bitcoin's founder in just a matter of days.
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Wing Commander Donald Lynam: Wright is Satoshi

And he claims Wright ‘was the sole author of the Bitcoin white paper’ as he testifies in the Kleiman-Wright trial Thursday.
Kleiman vs. Wright Case: Defense to Call Expert Witness Likely to Show Hard Drives Tampered With

On Tuesday, the plaintiffs concluded their presentation as to why the jury should believe Ira Kleiman when he says he is entitled to what he says is his late brother Dave Kleiman's share of Dr. Craig Wright’s $74 billion fortune.
Bitcoin Slips Below $60,000 First Time in More Than Two Weeks

Bitcoin, the world's biggest and best-known cryptocurrency, slipped below $60,000 on Tuesday, taking losses from a record high of $69,000 struck on Nov. 10 to more than 12%.
Kyle Bass Says The Big Money Already Made in Bitcoin: Where to Put Your Cash Now

Forget bitcoin as the “perfect substitute or a great substitute for gold and/or an inflation protector," Kyle Bass, chief investment officer of Hayman Capital Management, told Market Watch over the weekend.
CoinBase Hit With Lawsuit Over Hacked Accounts

Hackers stole from the accounts of at least 6,000 customers of Coinbase Global Inc (COIN.O), according to a breach notification letter sent by the cryptocurrency exchange to affected customers.
Could Taproot’s ‘Privacy’ Features Make BTC Illegal?

Bitcoin (CCC:BTC-USD) crypto is set to undergo a major upgrade on Nov. 16 called Taproot and our colleagues over at CoinGeek suggest their could be consequences even if an initial boost in price is realized.
Wright Attorneys Warn Exchanges They May Not Be Able to Use Bitcoin Name

Coinbase reportedly fails to notify investors of potential legal action according to a report filed by our colleagues CoinGeek.
Trial of the Century: Dr. Craig Wright Says Starting Bitcoin "Basically Ended My Marriage"

Wright described the relationship between himself and Dave Kleiman, including the role Dave played in his decision to embark upon the Bitcoin project—against the wishes of his own wife at the time.
The Crypto Gambling Market Continues to Boom During the Pandemic

Cryptocurrency gambling is an activity that looks to have gone past the stage of being a fad and one that will be here to remain for a very, very long time to come.
Kurt Wuckert Jr Breaks Down What Transpired in the Kleiman-Wright Trial Tuesday

The Ira Kleiman vs Dr. Craig S. Wright trial continued Tuesday. Why it matters: A Miami jury is ultimately tasked with determining the legal identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, author of the Bitcoin white paper and the legal owner of nearly $69 billion in Bitcoin. Whomever gets that $69 billion in Bitcoin will automatically become one of the twenty richest men in the world.
Bitcoin, Ether Scale New Peaks as Enthusiasm for Cryptocurrency Adoption Drives Flows Into Asset Class

Bitcoin and ether made record peaks in Asia trade on Tuesday, with enthusiasm for cryptocurrency adoption and worry about inflation driving momentum and flows into the asset class.
A Jury Set to Determine Identity of Bitcoin Founder Satoshi

We should be learning the true identity of Bitcoin's founder and who will ultimately possess a BTC wallet that will make that individual the 15th richest person in the world.
Ethereum Hits Record Price Tuesday

The price of cryptocurrency Ethereum hit an all-time high Tuesday as a result of the buzz surrounding the metaverse and NFTs.
Kleiman v Wright 2021 Bitcoin Court Case Begins November 1

As the crypto world continues to see record pricing (Bitcoin for the first time shot above $60,000) there is a court case that is about to kick off Monday that could ulltimately shake the sector to its core.
CoinList CEO Sees Bitcoin Hitting $100K By Start of Next Year But Supply Chain Backup Stands in Way

The digital currency hit a record high of $66,000 on October 20 following the launch of a hotly-anticipated U.S. Bitcoin futures ETF.
Critics Question Utility’s Bitcoin-Mining Data Center

Missouri’s largest utility has set up a data center at the site of one of its coal-fired power plants that it is using to mine the Internet for bitcoins.