Sports Betting Blackberry, iPhone Apps Hot: Online and in Vegas

Yesterday, reported on how, the oldest established North American online wagering business had witnessed a voluminous surge in business since introducing its Blackberry, iPhone and Droid compatible sports betting app just three weeks ago.
Everyone it seems is getting into the act….and that includes Las Vegas.
In Vegas the new apps will only work within the state.
Its technology is sophisticated enough to let visitors from other states conveniently place bets while they're here, even if they're not inside a casino, Oskar Garcia of the Associated Press writes.
The new technology is expected to help push the sports betting handle up at Vegas sportsbooks, although there is one small catch.
The individual looking to place a bet must appear in the sportsbook of his or her choice at least once in order to verify age. Also, the new app, developed by American Wagering Inc., will only be available on Blackberry’s for the time being.
The online sports betting app is compatible on iPhones, Androids and Blackberry’s. Sites like have long incorporated sophisticated online systems for age verification.
“The idea that one has to physically enter a Las Vegas sportsbook to verify their age demonstrates just how tough it will be for these bookmakers to get in on the online gambling industry should licenses be granted in the States,” commented Payton O’Brien, Senior Editor of the website.
“Much has been made of whether will be able to compete with, say the MGM, and it becomes more obvious they are light speeds ahead when it comes to Internet technology.”
The new mobile platform for has been branded with the project's internal code name, the Triple-Double, which stands for triple (because of the iPhone, Blackberry, and Android compatibility) plus double the offer of products with Sports and Racebook. A newer version is due out in the coming weeks, probably October. The platform also works great on iPads.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher