Mitt Romney Odds of Becoming US President Now Longest Since May
Bad news for GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney as Sportsbook.com has just informed us that his odds of becoming the next President of the United States are 4/1, the longest we have seen since May of this year. The payout would be $40 for every $10 bet. Barack Obama’s odds were now slashed to 1/4.
More Spent on Maryland Gambling Campaign Than Was Spent on 2012 Governor’s Race
In total, casino operators and those opposed to development of a casino in Prince George’s County, Maryland, have spent a total of $19.4 million on the gambling expansion campaign.
Maryland residents are set to vote on this gambling expansion in November.
Chief of Staff Stewart Bybee: ‘Still Possible to Pass Internet Poker Bill’
Though Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican Senator Dean Heller publicly argued over the prospects of any Internet poker bill to be passed prior to the Congressional lame duck session, Chief of Staff Stewart Bybee told Steve Sebelius of the Las Vegas Review Journal: It's still possible to pass a bill.
New Jersey State Senator Opposes Federal Online Gambling Legislation
New Jersey State Senator Raymond Lesniak, who has been pushing to legalize online gambling in the Garden State, has come out against a federal measure currently under consideration.
Online Poker The Single Most Important Issue Since Yucca Mountain Says Reid
In a sharply worded letter to Republican Senator Dean Heller on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid asserted that his colleague was avoiding the issue of legalizing online poker in their home state of Nevada, calling it “the most important issue facing Nevada since Yucca Mountain."
Reid was making reference to a planned deep geological repository storage facility that would have been located in the Yucca Mountain of south-central Nevada. That project would eventually be scrapped in 2010.
Penn National Ponies Up Another $4 Million to Try and Stop Baltimore Casino
Penn National has added another $4 million to the $5.5 million already donated to try and prevent the construction of a Baltimore casino. Voters will have the opportunity to make the final decision come Election Day and Penn is determined to try and discourage residents from backing such a plan.
Harry Reid Doubles Down on Calling Out Republican Dean Heller Re: Online Poker Bill
Harry Reid on Tuesday blasted Nevada Republican Senator Dean Heller for failing to help pass through online poker legislation that would help create hundreds of new jobs and millions of dollars in added revenue in the Silver State.
While Nevada has already passed a measure legalizing Internet poker within that state’s borders, operators will be unable to capitalize on “real money” players from outside the state until federal legislation is passed.
Obama 60 Percent Chance of Being Re-Elected Says Betting Exchange
The online wagering exchange intrade.com has US President Barack Obama being re-elected with 60 percent backing.
Obama received a 6 percent bounce in polls following last week’s Democratic Convention.
Tension Brewing Between Harry Reid and Dean Heller Over Online Poker Bill
Award-winning journalist Jon Ralston reports that he continues to hear murmurs that an online poker bill is “moving” but that tension may be brewing between Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, and Republican Senator Dean Heller, who is reportedly in charge of soliciting support from fellow Republicans.
Sheldon Adelson Backed PAC Goes After U.S. Rep. John Tierney for Family Gambling Troubles
BOSTON (Associated Press) — Incumbent U.S. Rep. John Tierney is the target of a new television ad from a political action committee bankrolled in part by billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson.
The ad focuses on the Salem Democrat’s family troubles.
Sports Handicapper Wayne Root Quits Libertarian Party
Wayne Root, author and the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, has quit the Libertarian party and plans to run for US Senate as a Republican.
US Presidential Elections Swing States Betting Odds has Obama Winning in All But One
US Presidential elections swing states betting odds were available from Sportsbook.com, one of the biggest online gambling companies in the world.
Muny Defends Perceived ‘Meekness’ in Poker Players Alliance Response to GOP Platform
Following a scathing report on PokerFuse.com accusing the Poker Players Alliance of not properly reacting to last week’s announced GOP agenda to essentially eradicate online gambling, that grassroots organization’s Director Richard Muny immediately went on the defensive this past weekend.
The GOP platform as it pertains to Internet gambling reads:
Nevada Governor Not in Agreement With GOP Platform on Internet Gambling (Video)
Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval is in sharp disagreement with his party when it comes to online gambling and their platform adopted over the past week that includes a few lines promising to continue prohibition.
News 3 in Las Vegas sent reporter Sergio to talk to the governor, who has been pushing for legalization of online gambling in the state.
Not All Republicans on Same Page When It Comes to Legalizing Online Poker
It emerged this week that the Republican platform features wording that would look to quash the multi-billion dollar online gambling sector, and presumably Internet poker.
Millions of Americans suffer from problem or pathological gambling that can destroy families. We support the prohibition of gambling over the Internet and call for reversal of the Justice Department’s decision distorting the formerly accepted meaning of the Wire Act that could open the door to Internet betting.
Illinois Governor Quinn Points to ‘Mob’ as Reason for Gambling Expansion Veto
CHICAGO — (Associated Press) - Citing Chicago’s reputation of mobsters and corruption, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn vetoed a plan Tuesday to bring casinos to the city and four other areas, leaving irked lawmakers with the task of overruling him.
New Jersey Sports Betting Now Targeted for December: George W. Bush attorney on Board
A move to legalize sports betting in New Jersey for the fall will likely be delayed until December the earliest, mainly a result of the anticipated lengthy licensing process.
Joe Brennan, Jr. of the Interactive Media Entertainment & Gaming Association tells Gambling911.com that the state will move right along with the legalization process despite a lawsuit filed against the four professional sports teams and the NCAA to try and prevent this from happening.
Attorney Who Represented George W. Bush to Fight for Sports Betting in New Jersey
Theodore Olson, an attorney best known for representing former US President George W. Bush in the contested 2000 presidential election, has signed on to assist New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in that state’s fight to legalize sports betting.
All four professional sports leagues and the NCAA filed a lawsuit against the state earlier this month in an attempt to prevent New Jersey from moving forward with its efforts.
Olson, who also assisted in overturning California’s ban on same-sex marriage, filed papers in a federal court on Monday to join the Christie legal team.
No Casino in Chicago as Illinois Governor Rejects Gambling Expansion Plan
CHICAGO (Associated Press) - Gov. Pat Quinn has rejected a plan to expand gambling in Illinois, including a land-based casino in Chicago.
The Democrat announced his veto Tuesday, saying the proposed bill lacked sufficient regulatory oversight.
The bill proposed five new casinos, including the Chicago facility and four more on riverboats.
Illinois Governor Must Decide Today on Gambling Expansion, Chicago Casino
CHICAGO • (Associated Press) - Gov. Pat Quinn will announce Tuesday the fate of a proposal to expand gambling in Illinois, including a new land-based casino in Chicago, weighing ethical and social concerns against the possibility of bringing a jackpot of jobs and revenue to the state.
With two of his predecessors in prison, the Chicago Democrat has made it clear he must preserve his political integrity in the plan, which also proposes establishing four new riverboat casinos and allowing slot machines at racetracks.
Poker Pro Nancy Todd Attempt to Gain Control Over Arkansas Casinos Fails
Professional poker player Nancy Todd has lost her fight to gain exclusive operating rights to Arkansas casinos on Monday.
Illinois Governor Won’t Say If He Plans to Sign Gambling Legislation
CAROL STREAM, Ill. (Associated Press) - Gov. Pat Quinn isn't giving any hints about what he'll do with a gambling bill that Illinois lawmakers sent to his desk.
Tuesday is the deadline for Quinn to take action on legislation that would establish five new casinos in the state, including one in Chicago. It would also allow slot machines at horse racing tracks.
At an unrelated event in suburban Chicago on Monday, Quinn said he spent the weekend reading the bill and he'll announce his decision Tuesday. He declined to say if he'd arrived at a decision.
Poker Player Nancy Todd Submits 121,503 More Signatures for Arkansas Casino Measure
By ANDREW DeMILLO, Associated Press
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Associated Press) - A professional poker player who wants to put a casino legalization measure on the ballot has submitted more signatures to state election officials. But it's unclear whether she'll be able to put her proposal before voters this fall.
Isaac Makes Beeline Towards Republican Convention: Odds Inch Towards 10 Percent
Wednesday 11 am EDT track projections have Tropical Storm Isaac heading straight towards Tampa, Florida just in time for next week’s Republican Convention, which will be hosted in that city.
The odds of this happening were around 2 percent Tuesday and Gambling911.com believes we will see that number jump closer to 10 percent. The cone center has Tampa under the gun just as the Convention is set to kick off Monday August 27 (2012). Isaac was expected to be a Category 1 Hurricane come Monday.
Odds of Hurricane Isaac Hitting Tampa During Republican Convention at 2 Percent
Meteorologist Jeff Masters of WeatherUnderground.com is keeping a watchful eye over newly formed Tropical Storm Isaac in the Atlantic Ocean, giving the storm a 2 percent chance of directly affecting the Republican Convention August 27-30 in Tampa, Florida.
Professional Poker Player Nancy Todd Wants Control Over Arkansas Casinos
Professional poker player Nancy Todd is looking to control casinos in four Arkansas counties via a ballot proposal, the Associated Press was reporting on Monday.
Todd said that she was required to submit a new proposal after Secretary of State Mark Martin found that the measure improperly omitted a reference to a state gambling law that would be repealed.
The ballot wording was ruled to be “unfit” by Martin’s office last week and will issue a new ruling on the amended ballot wording within the next 15 days.
Obama Still Winning Wisconsin in US Presidential Race: Romney-Ryan Close (Latest Odds)
Sportsbook.com has US President Barack Obama still leading in the odds to win the state of Wisconsin at 5/7 though the Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan GOP ticket is getting much closer at 11/10 Monday.
Will Julian Assange Be Arrested by British Police: Latest Betting Odds (Video)
Intrade.com has just released a new market over the weekend on whether Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will be arrested by British police following word that the nation of Ecuador has granted the controversial activist/publisher political asylum in its London embassy.
Vice Presidential Hopeful Paul Ryan Meets With Republican Donors at Adelson Property
US Vice Presidential hopeful Paul Ryan has scheduled to meet with deep-pocketed Republican donors at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. That property just happens to be owned by the granddaddy of GOP donors, casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson.
The Wisconsin congressman will meet with members of the Nevada finance team on Tuesday evening - his first such event as part of Mitt Romney's campaign - but members of the media will not be allowed to attend, according to Reuters.
Maryland Senate Passes Prince George’s County Maryland Expansion Measure
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (Associated Press) Members of the Maryland House of Delegates are starting to define proposed changes to a measure to expand gambling in the state.
Baltimore lawmakers met Monday morning to discuss amendments.
They are concerned about when a Prince George's County casino could open.
A bill approved by the Senate says the casino could open July 1, 2016 or 30 months after a casino opens in Baltimore in 2014. Baltimore lawmakers want to specify opening at 30 months after the Baltimore casino opens.