Gambling News

MGM Told to Cut Ties With Macau and Pansy Ho

New Jersey regulators have told MGM they need to abandon a joint venture with Macau and Pansy Ho, accusing the later of being part of an organized crime family.

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, May/28/2009

Harrah’s $1 Billion in New Notes to Pay Old Debts

LAS VEGAS-(Associated Press) - Casino operator Harrah's Entertainment Inc.

Submitted by Guest on, May/28/2009

iMEGA Briefs Kentucky Supreme Court on Web Domain Seizures

Lawyers for the Interactive Media Entertainment & Gaming Association (iMEGA) submitted their brief to the Kentucky State Supreme Court, opposing an attempt by Gov. Steven Beshear (D) to seize the rights to 141 Internet domain names.

Submitted by Guest on, May/27/2009

Frank Depford: US Stop Two Faced Approach to Sports Betting

Frank Depford of National Public Radio (NPR) is calling out the US for what he says is a "two faced approach to sports betting".

Submitted by Guest on, May/27/2009

Who Doyle Brunson Wants to be Stuck With on a Desert Island

If poker legend Doyle Brunson were stuck on a desert island with three poker players, who would he want them to be? 

Submitted by Jenny Woo on, May/27/2009

Top 10 Sexiest Poker Players of 2009 – 6 Thru 7

Yesterday I featured the first three of my Top 10 Sexiest Poker Players of 2009.

Submitted by Jenny Woo on, May/27/2009

Obama Arrives in Vegas for Start of World Series of Poker

They won't be able to Twitter at the poker tables but those players participating in the 2009 World Series of Poker, which gets underway this week, can still Twitter from Vegas...that is, if they c

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/26/2009

Australia Website Blacklist to be Reviewed: Includes Online Poker Sites

A controversial push to block several thousand websites in Australia continues as the federal government there insists on playing "Big Brother", this despite the resulting uproar from Aus

Submitted by Alistair Prescott on, May/26/2009

NFL Called Out on Hypocrisy

It's good to see the NFL is as limber as ever when it comes to high-minded posturing.

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/26/2009

Cashcade Online Bingo a Hot Commodity

All eyes on the prize as the likes of PartyGaming and are looking to acquire online bingo company, Cashcade. 

Cashcade have been active in the gaming space for over 6 years and have in that time been both a software developer and marketing organisation. The business has developed its own brands and Foxy Bingo into high successful products in their own right.

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/26/2009

Top 10 Sexiest Poker Players of 2009

It's that time of the year again - when's Jenny Woo selects her Top 10 Sexiest Poker Players.  Last year's sexiest poker pl

Submitted by Jenny Woo on, May/25/2009

Doyle Brunson is Not Dead!

Every year about this time, some sicko feels the need to spread the news that I died. Doug Dalton was the first to call and I had several calls after that.

Submitted by Doyle Brunson on, May/25/2009

Game of Skill Good for Poker, Bad for Football

They want lawmakers to know that poker is a "game of skill".  Poker players are now getting away from the whole gambling label in an effort to build momentum around the concept that poke

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/25/2009

Unemployment Rate: You Can Bet On It

The unemployment rate throughout the world is skyrocketing.  And while online gambling websites based out of the United Kingdom have long been offering unemployment betting,

Submitted by Alistair Prescott on, May/25/2009

Opposition to Sports Betting in Delaware About Money, Not Ethics

What a shocker, a columnist for the Prescott Daily Courier is calling out those who oppose legalized sports betting in Delaware, suggesting its all about money and nothing to do with ethics as thes

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/23/2009

Harrah’s to Enter European Online Gambling Market

As first reported on the website Friday afternoon, Harrah's will be expanding its presence in the European market as it launches an aggressive campaign to move online and compete wi

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/22/2009

Harrah’s Forms Harrah’s Interactive Entertainment to go Online

Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. (Harrah's) announced today that it has established a new subsidiary, Harrah's Interactive Entertainment, Inc.

Submitted by Guest on, May/22/2009

Oklahoma Next Battleground State for Online Gambling

Mark Schlachtenhaufen of the Edmond Sun warns that Oklahoma may be gearing up to stop online gambling in that state, following similar attempts by Kentucky and Minnesota.

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/22/2009

No Twitter at the World Series of Poker Tables

The World Series of Poker has enacted new stricter "sportsmanship" rules whereby players will not be able to verbally abuse an opponent.  Last year, as an example, Phil Hellmuth called h

Submitted by Ace King on, May/22/2009

Texas Proves Poker is Far from Accepted in US

Although some steps have been made as of late towards the legalization of online poker and online gambling in general, yesterday, the Texas Legislature remind

Submitted by Guest on, May/21/2009

Court Weighs in on Delaware Sports Betting Legislation


Submitted by Guest on, May/21/2009

American Idol Finale Helps Bring Record Traffic

So far the month of May has been a banner period for the website, which kicked off with its biggest day since coming online in September 2000.  The Kentucky Derby resulted in just

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/21/2009

Kentucky Governor Wants Expanded Casino Gambling at Tracks

Officials from Churchill, Keeneland, Turfway Park and three smaller Kentucky tracks joined forces Wednesday in an effort to get state lawmakers support for approving expanded gambling. 

"For a $4 billion industry and 100,000 jobs on the line, the Kentucky legislature has got to step up and find a way to make this work for us and give us a chance to be competitive," Ellis Park owner Ron Geary said.  

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/21/2009

Atlantic City Profits Way Down: Sports Betting a Must

It's more bad news for Atlantic City as the East Coast casino empire witnessed gross operating profits decline by more than 38 percent in the first quarter of 2009.

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/21/2009

Judge Might Dismiss Case Regarding Donald Trump’s Net Worth

CAMDEN, N.J. (Associated Press) - Donald Trump is known for putting a positive spin even on news that doesn't seem positive. But there is one way to get him down: Call him a millionaire.

Trump, who says he's a billionaire, is suing the author of a book in which three unnamed sources said Trump's net worth is between $150 million and $250 million. The Donald claims it was malicious, and it hurt his business.

Submitted by Guest on, May/20/2009

Tax, Don’t Limit Internet Gambling

In a piece for, Kay Bell explores the opportunities for taxing Internet gambling as opposed to prohibiting it.

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/20/2009

The Bellagio, MGM Grand to be Developed in Dubai

The Middle Eastern nation of Dubai will get its own Bellagio and MGM Grand Hotels, two iconic staples of Las Vegas.

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, May/20/2009

Delaware Governor Speaks About Sports Betting

Delaware Governor Jack Markell spoke on a Sports Illustrated web telecast Tuesday regarding his decision to support legalized sports betting in his state.

Delaware becomes the only state east of the Mississippi River to allow betting on sports after the governor signed the legislation with Markell signing the bill into law this past Thursday. 

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/19/2009

Australia High Roller Sues Casino

MELBOURNE (AFP) - A compulsive Australian gambler banned from Sydney's casino blew more than two million dollars (1.5 million US) on the card tables in a neighbouring state in just 43 minutes, a co

Submitted by Guest on, May/19/2009

Cereus Poker Network Holds Off Microgaming

Holding pat in the number 7 position of top online poker networks, Cereus and its Absolute/UltimateBet brands ( -

Submitted by C Costigan on, May/19/2009

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